Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Smile for the camera

A few weeks ago I did my art GCSE which involved doing a ten hour final piece, which for me was a painting. The day before, i called upon my wonderful cousin and had a mini photoshoot - the theme was Force and I was focusing on movement and dancers and flowing materials, nonsense like that. It was great fun because I got to spend the day taking photos, something I love, AND the photos had a purpose. 
I thought i'd share some of the photos with you, they aren't great quality and the backgrounds are awful (my kitchen door!) but they were the best we could get with such little time and space. I was aiming to capture her graceful movement somehow, so here you go...

N'aw isn't my cousin beautiful xo 

M x


  1. Nice pictures! love the moving one!

    Please visit me back! would mean so much to me :)
