Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Den of dreams

I'm extraordinarily disorganised and if i say im going to do something it takes me an absurdly long time to actually get off my backside and do it. So, i started planning how to redecorate my bedroom about a year ago and only now is it finally coming together. It has taken MONTHS but it was absolutely worth it, my walls were a putrid green and my clothes were quite literally consuming the floor space... hideous. 


I finally have a double bed so i can sleep like a starfish and one purple wall, the rest white... its FAB, finally i'm not living in a dump. 
(although, i must confess, i do still have a floordrobe) 

M x

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  1. love your blog! feel free to check out ours if you have time xx

  2. aw thankyou so much! of course i'll check it out now ! xxx
